Bazi Profile | The basis of the PATHS mobile app

(to be launched in Qtr 4, 2017)

PATHSPAth To Happiness and Success is an interactive mobile app tool :

Built based on Bazi – The Asian Personality Profiling System.  The Bazi Profiles described within the app will help you discover yourself, your passion, and motivations to develop your intrinsic talent to competencies and ultimately achieve happiness and success in your life’s journey.

In this app, you will learn:

1. About the time-tested Bazi – Asian Personality Profiling system. Information (including articles and videos) about Bazi, the personalities, characteristics and the JYPQ™ system will be available in this mobile app.

  • Learn who you are, your characteristics, your intrinsic talent and motivations.
  • Be aware of your characteristics and strengths that are obvious and those that are not through your JYPQ™ (Janet Yung Profile Quadrants) chart.
  • Also, learn characteristics that may de-rail you in your PATHS and learn how to manage them.


2. Learn how you can develop your inborn talents to competencies to maximize your potential including, keeping track of your progress through our Talent Calendar.

  • Know what skills to develop for the job role that will showcase your intrinsic talents.
  • Develop these talents to become your competencies through goal setting and links to relevant articles and courses.
  • Learn from mentors and coaches (coming soon).

3. Communication is key in any relationship; working or leisure.  Learn to read others and improve your art of communication.

  • Get to know others’ profiles, working approaches and communication styles.
  • Build effective relationships to be happy and successful both at work and at home.

4. Successful but not happy?  Learn ways to find that calmness and inner happiness.




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